17 Georgia O’Keeffe Quotes

Georgia O'Keeffe was considered as the pioneer of American modernism. Both her art and her life has captured the hearts of the art globe for many decades.

Built-in on dairy subcontract in Sunday Prairie, Wisconsin on Nov 15th, 1887 O'Keeffe was encouraged by her parents to pursue her at from a very young historic period.

Although she studied fine art formally at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1905 and after at the Art Students League in New York she found picayune inspiration in the fashion that formal art was thought and in detail the emphasis on realism.

Rather than beingness tied to any detail style or art movement she preferred to forge her own path and focused on more abstract work that was centered around flowers and landscapes.

Here are some interesting quotes by Georgia O'Keeffe on her life and her fine art:

Georgia O'Keeffe Quotes

"I take already settled information technology for myself so flattery and criticism go down the aforementioned drain and I am quite free."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I've been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I've never allow it keep me from doing a single affair that I wanted to practice."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I think it's then foolish for people to want to be happy. Happy is so momentary–y'all're happy for an instant and and so you start thinking again. Interest is the nearly important thing in life; happiness is temporary, but interest is continuous."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"Filling a space in a beautiful way – that is what art ways to me."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I often painted fragments of things considering information technology seemed to make my statement likewise equally or better than the whole could."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"Whether yous succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such matter. Making your unknown known is the important thing and keeping the unknown ever beyond you."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I decided to offset anew, to strip away what I had been taught."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"Nothing is less real than realism. Details are confusing. It is merely by selection, by elimination, by accent, that we become at the real meaning of things."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"The morning is the all-time fourth dimension, there are no people around. My pleasant disposition likes the globe with nobody in it"

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I fabricated you take time to look at what I saw and when you lot took fourth dimension to actually notice my bloom, you hung all your associations with flowers on my blossom and you write about my flower as if I retrieve and see what y'all think and come across and I don't."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"One cannot be an American by going virtually saying that one is an American. It is necessary to feel America, like America, love America and so work."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I frequently painted fragments of things because it seemed to brand my statement as well equally or better than the whole could."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I tin't live where I want to, I tin't go where I want to go, I can't do what I want to, I tin't even say what I desire to. I decided I was a very stupid fool not to at least paint as I wanted to."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I wish people were all trees and I think I could enjoy them then."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I institute I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other fashion… things I had no words for."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"I have already settled information technology for myself and then flattery and criticism go downward the same bleed and I am quite free."

Georgia O'Keeffe

"It's non enough to be nice in life. You've got to have nervus."

Georgia O'Keeffe

Also Read:

  • Famous Art Quotes
  • Georgia O'Keeffe Facts



Source: https://www.artst.org/georgia-okeeffe-quotes/

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